令和3年度から毎週水曜日の課題研究(普通科1年次「AFPリサーチ」と理数科2年次「ASE 2nd Stage」)でお世話になっているカルロス(Arbaiza Carlos)先生の紹介です。先生はペルーのご出身で,現在岡山大学大学院の博士課程に在学され,「社会心理学」の研究をされています。また,ペルーの高校や大学の教員のご経験も持っておられます。課題研究でのご指導のほか,英語でのプレゼンテーションのご指導もお願いしています。とてもフレンドリーで気さくなお人柄です。見かけたらぜひ声を掛けてみてください。


Hello! A pleasure to meet you! My Name is Carlos Arbaiza. I am from Lima, the capital city of Peru, a country in the heart of South America. Peru is famous for having Machu Picchu, one of the new Seven Wonders of the World. Also, it´s well known for its natural diversity and spectacular food, and for being the core of the Inca empire in the past.

I am an educator and I have been working as a teacher, lecturer, and therapist in schools and universities for more than 15 years. I came a year ago to Okayama, to get my Ph.D. (Doctor) degree in Social Psychology and I am working hard on it at Okayama University.

I had the great chance to come to Amaki High School six months ago, and I am very happy to be here. My role is to help students to communicate in English more, especially when they want to elaborate and present their Science Projects. So far, we are doing good, and I am impressed with how smart and diligent many students are here. I would like to encourage you to challenge yourself always. There are plenty of beautiful things to discover in this life, so be brave and go after them! Life is not easy, but with some confidence, humbleness, willpower, and with the support of our beloved ones, there is nothing that can stop us. So, let’s go for it, and don’t forget to be grateful and support other people in your way. If you need something, just let me know, I would love to support you and help you in any matter as well.