今年度1年間,水曜日の午後,エキスパート非常勤講師としてご指導いただきましたLeo先生(Leo Peter Dacumos:ダクモス・レオ・ペーター)からお別れのメッセージをいただきました。Leo先生はフィリピンの高校生物の先生で,岡山大学に「教員研修留学生」として留学されました。本校では主に理数科2年次生の生物の課題研究のご指導をいただきました。また,フィリピンのSTEM教育のカリキュラムと本校課題研究とのカリキュラムの比較研究を行い,論文としてまとめられました。



Good day everyone! When I started at Amaki, I have a very scarce idea on how I will be able to handle a new set of students, whose language and culture are different from what I have been accustomed to. But as days, weeks, and months passed by, our interactions during the research classes became an avenue to break this barrier, and learn from one another. I will treasure the great reception I received from the faculty, staff, and students at Amaki. This allowed me to expand my perspective in the teaching profession. I will be forever grateful to the teachers, staff, and students of Kurashiki Amaki High School for opportunities to experience planning, delivering, and assessing science lessons in the Japanese setting. The practical experience to work with you proved that science inquiry goes beyond the limits of cultural and language differences. To the students, I wish you all the best as you venture into finishing your high school life. And to the teachers and staff, thank you for the drumfire of opportunities and learning to better my craft as a science educator.